Phase two
The ecosystem build phase generates diverse projects, forming a foundation for systemic transformation. The ‘Build’ phase offers tools to ensure these projects are well equipped with the right skills, resources, and knowledge. Assessing SWOT, this phase ensures proactive risk mitigation. Effective stakeholder interaction methods are employed to enhance the ecosystem’s value-add to the portfolio, advancing the shared goal of sustainable system transformation.
Facilitator's tasks
Build phase
The build phase is all about supporting ecosystem portfolios in their development towards the growth phase and supporting project portfolios in their search for growth directions.
Supporting tools
In this phase the facilitator tools support ecosystems to grow. Toolset includes tools for foresight building, resource or/and risk analysis and R&D&I roadmapping.
In the build phase, ecosystems are busy with their innovation phase.
Innovation tools
Hence, these ecoystems need all the tools to support the early phase of innovation.
Playbook tools
Browse the build phase tools
Select Type of Tool

Tech radar deep dive

Tech radar tool

Ecosystem self-assessment SWOT

Ecosystem resourcing model tools

R&D roadmap

Build me the value chain tool