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Ecosystem self-assessment SWOT

SWOT analysis can be used in every phase of your ecosystem development. This tools supports your understanding where your strenghts are and risk mitigating with threaths. It allows you to map your opportunities and identify your ecosystem weaknesses in order to minimize risks.

Professional facilitation of ecosystems will result in better work, successful ecosystems and savings in both time and cost.

The purpose of the tool

The ‘Build’ phase offers tools to ensure these projects are well equipped with the right skills, resources, and knowledge.

  • In the build phase, ecosystems are busy with their innovation phase.
  • In this phase the facilitator can support with providing tools for foresight, resource or risk analysis and building ideas for innovation projects.

Options for the facilitator

Free methods and canvases.


Free methods and canvases.

Ecosystem basic SWOT - Method.

Ecosystem basic SWOT - Method

Every now and then it is good to stop and reform. This basic SWOT tools helps to analyze your ecosystems’ current status.

Ecosystem basic SWOT - Canvas

Ecosystem basic SWOT maps your strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threaths so you plan better for the future and mitigate the upcoming risks for your ecosystem project portfolios.

Ecosystem basic SWOT - Canvas.

Download the workshop materials