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Workshops using Lego Serious Play method

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® creates inclusive, creative and open environment for idea sharing and concept development. Research shows that the reflective process of making something prompts the brain to work in a different way, and can unlock new perspectives.

Workshops using Lego Serious Play method.
Workshop using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® open source methodology offers a constructive means for a group to share ideas, assumptions and understandings, to engage in rich dialogue and discussion and to work out meaningful solutions to real problems. During a structured process, participants use LEGO bricks to create models that express their thoughts,reflections and ideas. Our staff has been trained to facilitate The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops. More info on the methodology:

Outputs from this workshop

Workshops using Lego Serious Play method

Ecosystem mission and purpose

Ecoystem common vision statement

Value chain model

What tools and methods are included in this workshop?

The tools support different development phases of ecosystem.

Build me the value chain tools help organizations in the development of the new supply/value chains that the different transitions in business demand.

Professional facilitation of ecosystems will result in better work, successful ecosystems and savings in both time and cost.

Shared vision and mission are key building block for a successful ecosystem. Our tool helps to co-create a common ground among ecosystem members.

Choose your facilitation package:

Tailored workshops for organizations

Good facilitation is about designing and managing the processes effectively.

Explore, Build, Grow or Transform

The target for this training session is to train your organization to use the tools on one workshop topic selected by you. The apporach is “train the trainer” , where our trainer facilitates a half a day workshop with you for your ecosystem.

The packages includes:

  • All tools related to the workshop including step-by-step instructor guidelines and pre-filled template examples
  • Additional resources
  • 2-3 hour online pre-planning session with introduction to the tools
  • Online co-creation tools & template examples
  • Half a day workshop facilitation for your ecosystem with train-the-trainer support

Package price: 2970 €