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Future scenarios and personas

The process: At first we work in the groups to identify different forces affecting plausible future. Teams build future personas and each team writes "Day in Life scenarios" for selected personas by envisioning how the ecosystem vision and identified forces will affect into that person's life in the future. Teams present the scenarios. We collect ideas and tasks emerging from the work.

Open Innovation Ecosystem Playbook.

The purpose of the tool

In this phase the facilitator can support with providing tools for foresight, resource or risk analysis and building ideas for innovation projects.

Options for the facilitator

Tailored workshops for organizations

Tailored packages for organizations.

Future scenarios method.

Future scenarios method

Bring the Ecosystem vision into more concrete scenarios that can guide the planning of actions. The outputs help the ecosystem stakeholders to identify new perspectives, opportunities, and collaborations that can be added back to market shaping plan and RDI Roadmap.

Future scenarios canvas

With future scenarios canvases we build plausible futures and define the day in life for storylines for imaginery future personas. Storylines help us to vision better the future that lies ahead and “work backwards” to identify issues, opportunities or challenges for our work that might need change.

Future scenarios canvas.

Buy the workshop materials

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Get the most out of this tool with facilitation

Choose the facilitator training package

Tailored workshops for organizations

Good facilitation is about designing and managing the processes effectively.

Explore, Build, Grow or Transform

The target for this training session is to train your organization to use the tools on one workshop topic selected by you. The apporach is “train the trainer” , where our trainer facilitates a half a day workshop with you for your ecosystem.

The packages includes:

  • All tools related to the workshop including step-by-step instructor guidelines and pre-filled template examples
  • Additional resources
  • 2-3 hour online pre-planning session with introduction to the tools
  • Online co-creation tools & template examples
  • Half a day workshop facilitation for your ecosystem with train-the-trainer support

Package price: 2970 €

Facilitator training package

This tailored workshop for organizations is designed for "train-the-trainer" approach for organizations who need ecosystem facilitation.

Explore, Build, Grow or Transform

In this training package, we provide a 3 half-a-day online training session on how to use the Playbook tools in fast and simple way.

The packages includes:

  • Online co-creation tools & template examples
  • 3 half-a-day online training sessions (3-4h)
  • Access to all tools & content used in training session
  • Opportunity to buy all the tools and templates with additional lower price (2-year licence)
  • After completion of the course, you receive course certificate and badge

Package price: 450 €