Who can benefit from these tools?

Ecosystem facilitators
You can utilise the Playbook tools to facilitate your own ecosystem activities and build your own Playbook for your ecosystem facilitation needs. As a premium service, we offer workshop facilitation training so you can get additional ideas and develop your own facilitator skills for ecosystem management.

All other ecosystem members
All other ecosystem actors can use the playbook to have visibility on different ecosystem life stages, risks and opportunities and get ideas for their ecosystem needs.
How do I use these tools?
The Playbook contains free tools for all ecosystem facilitators and members, as well as premium training services for ecosystem facilitators to manage these tools in workshops.
Ecosystem facilitator workshop tools

The packages includes:
- We offer facilitator training for each tool. Each tool is linked to a workshop concept, which includes the training to use these tools in a workshop.
- In the training we offer also additional facilitator tools like detailed step-by-step facilitator instructions with additional methods and canvases and pre-filled examples of canvases.
- You can choose between two different premium training packages (light and full workshop package)
Basic tools for ecosystems

The packages includes:
- Free samples of ecosystem management tools
- Including methods with work canvases for different phases of the ecosystem development (explore, build, grow)
- Assessment tools for open innovation and business maturity
Can I share these tools?
Premium facilitator materials
Our full facilitator package includes all the rights to use the content and templates for your own workshop purposes.
Free materials are under creative commons licence
Playbook Toolbox by CLIC Innovation Ltd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to open source software licenses. While using these tools you can refer it to as: This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.CC by Open Innovation Playbook by CLIC Innovation. Click here to view this license.